

执行公司19Student Application - now closed, please visit us again in the Winter/Spring 2024

This electronic form is to be used by student applying for admission to the Honors 论坛. Each application must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a Skidmore 教员. Faculty recommending students to the 论坛 should use the recommendation form.


Each student is required to complete a 学生荣誉项目 before the second semester 大四的时候. Students can choose from one of two pathways to complete the project, either the Great Conversation pathway or Civic Life pathway. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里.

Note that final reports should be emailed to 丽莎·布拉德肖 (lbradsha@trivoga.net) and carbon copied to the faculty sponsor. For more information about the content 在最终报告中, 点击这里.

荣誉论坛 Requirements Checklist

Use this form to keep track of your 荣誉论坛 requirements.


As you may have noted in the 荣誉论坛 flyers sent out with other Registration materials, 荣誉论坛 members have the opportunity to pre-register for a space in an Honors course prior to regular Registration. Preregistration will guarantee you a space in one 荣誉论坛 course only.


There are two options available for those students wishing to undertake an independent 研究. The first, HF271/272, is designed for first-year and sophomore students whereas HF 371/372 is designed for juniors and seniors. Each course is an independent research or project opportunity for a well-qualified student working at honors level. 在协商 with a sponsoring 教员, the student proposes to the Honors Council a project that builds upon the student’s academic background and interests and concludes in an honors paper or project to be shared with the wider student community. 荣誉 独立学习 may not be substituted for available honors courses.

荣誉论坛 Course Funds Request

The 火博体育大学 荣誉论坛 has a modest budget to support and co-sponsor activities, events and projects (typically in the range of $50-$200, occasionally above $200) that contribute to the intellectual quality of life on campus. 程序示例 include academic events such as special lectures, debates, research presentations, symposia, as well as cultural and social activities that bring honors forum members together with other students. Programs for which funding is sought should serve to foster academic and social connections among students and enhance intellectual discourse beyond the formal classroom. The 荣誉论坛 expects that all co-curricular programs that it supports will promote the mission and goals of the 论坛 to its members and/or the College community at-large.


荣誉论坛 Activities and Co-Sponsorship Request - HTML格式, 富文本格式 (created in MS Word for PC; readable by most Macs)

The 火博体育大学 荣誉论坛 has a modest budget to support and co-sponsor activities, events and projects (typically in the range of $50-$200, occasionally above $200) that contribute to the intellectual quality of life on campus. 程序示例 include academic events such as special lectures, debates, research presentations, symposia, as well as cultural and social activities that bring honors forum members together with other students. Programs for which funding is sought should serve to foster academic and social connections among students and enhance intellectual discourse beyond the formal classroom. The 荣誉论坛 expects that all co-curricular programs that it supports will promote the mission and goals of the 论坛 to its members and/or the College community at-large.


Proposal for Senior Capstone Requirement

Each graduating member of the 荣誉论坛 must complete an honors capstone project 在大四的时候. In most cases the capstone will be a substantial, culminating project (thesis, research report, performance, exhibit, etc.) defined by the student's 主要部门(年代). In some cases, however, the capstone for the 荣誉论坛 might be a paper or project of especially sophisticated design to be completed within one of the student's "traditional" 300-level courses.


Students may use this form to indicate a temporary or permanent cessation in their 荣誉论坛会员.

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